Thursday, July 28, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Posted by
8:38 AM
Monday, July 25, 2011
Posted by
11:29 AM
Market update Monday Jul 25 2011 9:30 am est
Posted by
8:50 AM
Friday, July 22, 2011
Posted by
2:14 PM
Now this is the error message I've been getting when I try to post to my blog.
Conflicting edits
Posted by
1:44 PM
Posted by
10:57 AM
Posted by
7:36 AM
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Posted by
8:59 PM
Monday, July 18, 2011
Posted by
3:53 PM
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Posted by
9:29 PM
The videos below will answer some of the questions I often get concerning my 2 books, " The Laws of Charts and Men," and, Volume - The Archimedes Principle. What's the difference between the free portion of the book and part 2 ( the paid portion ) of the book.
The free portion of The Laws of Charts and Men explains and illustrates to you why the method work by explaining some of the natural laws of nature that the principles are based upon. The free section of Archimedes is currently under construction and will be available soon.
Part 2 of The Laws of Charts and Men is what the videos below are all about. It gets right to the point of signal recognition, with the meat of the Trading Manual section, focused on WHAT TO DO AND HOW TO DO IT...The free section talks more about WHY WE DO IT... The book focuses on two signals. The pivot bar and the reversal bar signals. Not to be mistaken for the mathematical floor pivots you see in many charting programs and indicators. No...I'm talking about the actual PIVOTAL POINT as based on the actual imbalance of supply and demand. There are only 2 things that cause a market to move and those two are, 1. Imbalance of supply vs demand and 2. False move designed to shake retail traders out of their positions.
The laws of Charts and Men shows you how to I identify the precise location of the PIVOT POINT. The exact location of the imbalance. You will also learn that their are different ways a trade can be entered and exited from the standpoint of minimizing your risk by keeping your stops as small as possible and more importantly, in the proper location whereby, when you stop is hit, price will not turn around and go in the original direction of your trade without you! There is no way anyone can put all you need to know about trading in 1 book without that book being thousands of pages long.
The price range of that one book would be out of the price range of the retail traders that I am trying to help. That is why I break the course into first, affordable sections whereby, my small traders can learn in a way that I feel is important to the individual catagory/s the trader must learn to have a chance of remaining in the game long enough ( stop losing money ) to learn what they need to know in full, in order to be able to trade for a living. The biggest thing is to first, STOP LOSING MONEY!! If you follow the guidelines provided in Lcm you should make money but I just don't see how you can lose money. While I cannot guarantee that you will be profitable, ( I don't know how good you are or how willing you are to follow instructions on a disciplined basis and legal statutes preventing anyone from guaranteeing that ), I can hardly imagine that you will lose money trading LCM pivots in the direction of the trend.
Volume- the Archimedes Principle - While The Laws of Charts and Men focuses on recognizing a buy/sell signal based on price action alone, and talks about false moves and tells you the cause of them. Archimedes shows you how to actually spot the false moves by being able to identify how any move must be supported by the volume profile or the move has to be false. In Archimedes, you also how to combine a certain free indicator with forex volume to give you a truer indication of volume strength. Since forex in not a centralized exchange, the only available volume is Tic data. You will see why Tic data alone is not enough to tell you the true volume profile and why this indicator fills in the gaps. Tic data tells us the number of buy trade and sell traders, but, not the actual number of contracts traded. This is why, so called VSA ( volume spread analysis works but not nearly as consistently as it should. This type if volume analysis is as old as the markets and there is nothing new about it. They just gave it new name and what do you know...
The number of contracts is the true reflection ow weight. One trade can be 100,000 contracts and still show as 1 on your Tic volume chart. while there can be 20,000 buy trades of one contract each and 1 sell trade of 100,000 contracts. Your Tic volume will show 20,000 buys and 1 sell!!! Do you see how this can be misleading, causing you to enter a trade thinking you have a sunami wave of volume supporting your trade when actually, you have no volume support at all and have no business in that trade because the sunami volume wave is coming from the opposite direction and you are walking right into it. But how could you have known? Archimedes can show you. The indicator I show you, combined with VSA analysis gives you the picture of the true force of the market. In addition, THE WHO, is very important, as in, who was responsible for the move. RETAIL TRADERS OR MARKET MAKERS/ professional operators like banks. This is called the smart money. If you don't know what the smart money how can you trade with the....Now what is the opposite of smart money...? So you must ask yourself, what kind of money are you following...?
As an additional bonus, each book comes with a set of free indicators. The indicators are not designed to your thinking for you however, they will server the purpose of alerting you to a possible signal and/or volume confirmation depending upon which of the books you own.
Both books also comes with it's own set of instructional videos so that you can see what the signals and confirmations look like, as well as additional commentary from the author that cannot be found in the books. Combine this with full email support and real time tips, instructions and commentary contained on the Tradingmajic Blog, and you have a formidable inventory of information that you can call upon when needed.
1 ON 1 TRADER TRAINING - In the trader training course you get both books, THE LAWS OF CHARTS AND MEN, AND VOLUME-THE ARCHIMEDES PRINCIPLE, and all of the additional indicators, and videos that come with the books.
In addition to full email support for any questions you may have about the information contained in the books, you get answers to any questions you may have and not just about the information contained in the books but, any trading subject.
Your 1 on 1 lessons are conducted live via internet screen sharing and voice. Lessons are as needed, up to 3 times per week and sometimes live trading room sessions where I make trade calls live.
I hope this answers most of the questions I've been getting...
EURUSD 1 ( MAY/JUNE 2011 )
EURUSD 2 ( MAY/JUNE 2011 )
EURUSD 3 ( MAY/JUNE 2011 )
EURUSD 4 ( MAY/JUNE 2011 )
EURUSD 5 ( MAY/JUNE 2011 )
EURUSD 6 ( MAY/JUNE 2011 )
EURUSD 7 ( MAY/JUNE 2011 )
EURUSD 8 ( MAY/JUNE 2011 )
EURUSD 9 ( MAY/JUNE 2011 )
EURUSD 10 ( MAY/JUNE 2011 )
Posted by
3:49 PM
Friday, July 15, 2011
Market update 12:00 pm est Fri Jul 15 2011
I guess the partymust be over ince I'm able to get this out. The op's have been riding me like a bronco and I 've been bucking like one. Haven't been able to maintain a stable internet connection til now.
see, this is how it usually works. I was closing out some positions early when neither my stop nor my targets were hit ( I do this often and they want to break your balls for it cause it makes you a moving target ). If you do this regularly from profitable positions before they can cut your target, they send out the squiddy's from the movie the matrix, on a seek and destroy mission to your I.P. addresses.
So, why was I trying to get out early? Again, the term, " playing the news," means something totally different to me that it does most traders. Most think playing the news means an opportunity to catch a big move off the news but me, I see it as an opportunity to step into a pile of shite!!!
When I see the word "PRELIM" next to a scheduled data release I replace the word prelim with BULLSHITE... I don't need preliminary data I need real data. Websters definition of preliminary is as follows..."
: something that precedes or is introductory or preparatory: or FRONT MATTER!! Don't believe me check the link below.
So, the data release was a front for the REAL DATA!!! See, that gives the operators the best of both worlds doesn't it...? When they pump the market off the fake ass news they have an excuse when that move is reversed On the so called REVISED DATA, which was the real data all along. Call me a drunkard if you like but The finger prints at the scene of the crime is always shown by my indicator. they are always there but hey, you can take the red pill or the blue pill... But, on your way to Kansas you will pass me headed in the opposite direction cause, while you're headed to Kansas I'm headed to the bank...
So, look for a signal that will allow you to safely fade this false move...
Posted by
11:39 AM
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
resistance. Euro can't go any higher without some juice. Yes, it wants 3 bar up at 4258 very badly but as I mentioned, cut by two levels of strong upside resistance.
Now, don't get me wrong I'm not just venting here because I did not take a bathe here. It just gives me a chance to illustrate to you the things I tell you about the news and that the world is a matrix and forex is part of the world matrix. You must understand how the news works because that's how you loose all your profits after being on a winning streak. One trade can erase all of your gains if you're not careful about monitoring what actually moves a market, which is news.
Now, if you think that news just happened to come out during the dead zone between the close of the u.s. market and the open of the Asian market by chance, save yourself a lot of pain and the kids college fund and quit trading now...
Now that brings me to Lcm. I cannot tell you how many times that a pivot will form and yet, it looks like there is no way the a market can hit 3 bar target. And out of nowhere something like today happens to put the market on steroids, if only just enough to hit 3 bar, hence, the term Trading Majic...Because, like Majic, something unexpected will happen to give a market the juice it need against all odds. Human consciousness follows the universal laws of nature. The market operators are just a tool of the laws of nature without even trying to be. Once that imbalance is created in the form of a pivot, they must do what is necessary to bring the market back to balance either wittingly or unwittingly and 3 bar is the minimum point to reestablish balance. Just as when you misstep and lose your balance it takes you at least 3 steps to regain your balance.
News causes emotion. Notice how that word is spelled. E-MOTION ( Energy in motion ). Thus, news causes motion...Market motion. Lcm puts you in position to automatically take advantage of this truth.
I know I could be wrong about this. All I need for you to do is tell me how...
Posted by
8:43 PM
Posted by
7:49 AM
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
UPDATE JUL 12 2011 4:50 PM EST
Posted by
3:53 PM
Market update jul 12 2011
Trade log 7/12/2011 Zulu trade account - click here to see trade log.
I spent yesterday into the P.M. hours working on my website and did not have a chance to slip in any trades until then. One of the announcements I wanted to make was that I would begin posting trades on zulu trade again. I just started back last night and the trade log is posted above.
I've been focusing on just pivots just to demonstrate the power of Lcm even in it's most basic form. I was up till 5:00 am working on technical issues and just really getting up after a short nap. Since the blog seems to be operational today I will scan the market and come back to you with some commentary.
Posted by
8:40 AM
Monday, July 11, 2011
I guess I'm too dumb to ever learn. All I have to do is not tell...
Posted by
9:46 AM
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Well, the market was about as wild as I expected on Friday as I told you in Thursday's update. I also mentioned that we should have a gap open today Sunday and the professional did not disappoint me again.
Now, here is my impression about gaps. About 70% of the time a gap will be filled before a market will continue in the direction of the gap. On a down gap a market will immediately rise back up to test the next resistance level over head and an up gap will fall to test the closest support level below.
There are two types of gaps. Exhaustion gaps ( SEE CADJPY ) and breakaway gaps ( SEE EURUSD ).
An exhaustion gap is a gap that occurs within the high/low range of the prior swing.
A breakaway gap will occur outside of the prior swing high/low.
Your 1 or 4 hr charts can be used to judge the gaps and the tests...
Exhaustion gaps are false moves and if traded, should be faded. Breakaway gaps should be traded in the direction of the gap but only after the support/resistance level that the gap has broken out of has been tested on the pullback. SEE EURUSD has not yet been tested. AUDUSD HAS BEEN TESTED...
When retail traders see a gap open they immediately get a woodie for a move in the direction of the gap and want to jump in. When they jump in the professionals whom caused the gap in the first place, will back price back to the next support/resistance level or if the gap comes first, before a support or resistance level, price will back up to fill the gap.
If, when the test occurs, price should close back withing the range ( last bar before the gap ) that preceded the gap it's a good bet that the gap was a false move and those retail traders who jumped in on the gap are now trapped. See USDJPY
In the forex market, 90% of the time a gap will occur on a Sunday open. Just another reason why I don't like to hold a position over the weekend and why I don't like to trade on Sundays. Sundays are usually a trap unless there is a rare, major news announcement coming out during the Asian session.
Most of the time you would be better served to hold off trading until 1 hour after the start of the London session.
I would like to say more but the matrix is trying to shut down this blog again. If you've taken my 1 on 1 trader training course it wouldn't hurt to review the videos on gaps...Especially if you've been hard headed ( lol ) and trading on Sundays again....
Cheers, Jerry
Posted by
9:15 PM
Thursday, July 7, 2011
I'm short form 1.4479. so fare 128pip
profit. it was already 260pips but I over slept..should I take profit now.
and then go short at 4409 again.
Thanks for the update.
Great question and I will give a detailed answer and place it on the blog because I don't know how available I will be tomorrow due to some outside obligations...
Yes, I would take profit now and look to reenter because of the 4 hr bullish reversal bar that we closed at 1:00 pm eastern standard time on my charts. However, don't just reenter at 4409. wait for a bearish reversal signal back down off of 4409 on your intraday charts. This is because we are closing the trading day( 5:00 pm est ) with a bullish turning bar. Today's action is finishing with higher volume and no real commitment from the retail traders. That's a red flag to the current direction ( down ) on a heavy news day.
Yesterday the professionals were buying into weakness as they normally do and today was a follow through on that.
Currently there is no downward pressure on the market and that shows strength to the upside. When a market is moving down we want to see higher volume. When we don't that means selling pressure is easing. when the current direction weakens it automatically means strength to the opposite direction.
It's like pushing a basketball down underwater. the deeper you go the harder you have to push down to keep the ball down ( increasing gravity pressure ). If you release the downward force on the ball, the force of buoyancy will automatically push the ball back up to the surface. Right now there is an absent of Hi Sven
Yes, I would take profit now and look to reenter because of the 4 hr bullish reversal bar that we closed at 1:00 pm eastern standard time on my charts. However, don't just reenter at 4409. wait for a bearish reversal signal back down off of 4409 on your intraday charts. This is because we are closing the trading day( 5:00 pm est ) with a bullish turning bar. Today's action is finishing with lighter volume and no real commitment from the retail traders. That's a red flag to the current direction on a heavy news day.
Yesterday the professionals were buying into weakness.
Currently there is no downward pressure on the market and that shows strength to the upside. When a market is moving down we want to see higher volume. When we don't that means selling pressure is easing. when the current direction weakens it automatically means strength to the opposite direction.
It's like pushing a basketball down underwater. the deeper you go the harder you have to push down to keep the ball down ( increasing gravity pressure ). If you release the downward force on the ball, the force of buoyancy will automatically push the ball back up to the surface. Right now gravity pressure is absent so the market will have a tendency to rise until reacted upon by a new force of gravity. That may sound long winded but Lcm is based upon the principle of natural laws and understanding the natural laws behind price action causes the market terminology to make sense.
Then there is the psychological component caused intentionally by the market professionals. If there are too many retail orders sitting at major support/resistance waiting to take profits they will cut that level to cause confusion and panic to ( in this case the short holders ), by rushing price back up when price gets close to the take profit level. We must understand that they are not all powerful but take advantage of opportunities.
In this case, the opportunity is this. A market moves from swing bar to swing bar. when price is anywhere inside the range of a prior swing bar a market has the potential to turn around. The swing bar is the balance point of any move. The last bullish swing bar was on 6-27-2011 and that bar had a range off 4102 to 4293. That is the prior swing range or range of the balance point. Support/resistance in not a specific number it is a range ( the depth of the water ). We went as deep as 4221.
At that point my bull/bear indicator flipped from 62% retail longs to 57% retail shorts. As soon as there were more retail traders short than there was long, the market turned around as it usually does to fade the retail trader.
To complete the analysis, the original bear pivot point was never tested from back up at 4494. the risk has now shifted to this level especially since today was the 3rd bar in the down move. In my course I talk about the rule of 3s and fibonacci bar count retracement which, is related to but not the same as fibonacci price levels. I expect a pullback to the 4315 area tonight and for the market to challenge the 4409 area. If that resistance level should hold then we should continue back down.
However we need a catalyst and the first energy will be injected at 7:50 pm eastern standard time with the Jpy data coming out. Tomorrows new calender is full of major news releases from the major pairs and that means professionals can whipsaw the markets as they like in order to shake out stops above as well as below. I expect a wild ride tomorrow and no support/resistance level is too far away on days like tomorrow. Especially on a Friday. Nothing like kicking some retail but on Friday to lock in the holders over the weekend, then gap open on Sunday to really get the herd into a stampede of confusion.
Summary: Right now the market is set up to more easily rise than fall so, shorts are more risky than longs at this stage. For this reason I will exit my small 1/3 position if we pull back to 4315 today's open and take the small 30 pip loss and/or exit on a break of todays's high as that will create a new bull pivot point in process and increase any short risk exponentially. It is not about absolutes it is about probability and at the moment of this writing the probabilities favor longs, especially since a higher close tomorrow will also create a new higher bottom which means up-trend.
This type of setup is typical for the first week of the trading month to get retail traders to start the month off with confusion to get the herd moving. I have canceled my pending shorts at 4409 and need to wait for tomorrows daily close or a break below today's low to tell me more.
If you trade intraday only take signals that reverse or breakout of the levels I've drawn for you on the charts and use your intraday support/resistance for your stops.
Cheers, Jerry
Posted by
4:33 PM
It will be fun to see how the news affects our analysis. I'm hoping for a pullback up to 4409 so I can enter anothe 2/3 position. Nother 6-7 mini contracts to complete 1 standard lot. 10 mini lots = 1 standard lot
Cheers, Jerry
Posted by
7:10 AM
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Click on pair for chart.
I am looking for a fall to 4175 but first a pullback up to minor support at 4409. We broke down through minor support yesterday and that is an Lcm breakin signal that I teach in my 1 on 1 course.
After a signal there is usually a pullback. I am looking to enter as follows. 1/3 of my normal full position on a break below yesterday's low. 2/3 of my normal position on a pullback to 4409.
Yesterdays move was controlled by the market makers and before they let price fall further the probability is high that they will rise ii on a pullback to get better positions for the further fall down to major support at 4182.
If you are considering a short trade today your stop needs to be above 4470
It works like this: 1. Market breaks down through minor support 2. Market pulls back to test minor support 3. Market continues down to major support.
If the move does not follow this sequence, ( does not pullback ) Major support at 4182 can be expected to bounce price back up. If this scenario should play our, look to enter long off of the supply line at 4137.
You already have the lines from yesterday's video, just add a line at 4182.
Always remember, a close beyond a support or resistance level is a signal when confirmed by volume. That is a directional signal. A signal telling you the probable direction of the next move. How to enter to minimize risk and maximize profit is a totally separate skill/knowledge set.
After a signal you can just enter at the close of the signal bar but that is a choice for the individual trader. Know one knows how much risk you can afford but you. If a market does not pullback after a signal and you do not get in on the trade that is not signal failure. That is trader failure. If you do not have enough funds in your account to cover the reasonable stop after a signal, then you must wait for a pullback. If the market does not pull back that is not a signal failure. That is under-capatilization.
Lcm pivots will be 80 % accurate on the daily chart. So, if you are trading intraday 4hr signals or less, you should take your signals off the daily support/resistance levels or the accuracy will drop to 65-70% unless you are proficient in judging trend and volume.
Again, here I am not trying to teach you the course but, to point you in the right direction...
Posted by
11:32 PM