Monday, January 26, 2009

eur/usd 2nd update

Hey now. We want to flow with the market.
Also, some of you have been asking me about testimonials. Listen, I get new testimonials almost daily. I dont't have the time to keep updating them but I can supply some if you need to see them.
For example: From a student who had his first 1 on 1 today.Wow Jerry ,

I just saw a setup on eur/usd @ 1.2950 with what I learnt from the videos I watched
yesterday and from the lesson today.


(name changed to protect privacy)
Cheers, Jerry

Okay. I have begun doing intoduction 1 on 1 for those who what to see what it's like.

I know I don't have to say this but when I'm doing classes it is very hectic. I cannot respond to your inquiries immediately and many times I'm doing 1 on 1 back to back for several hours.

Now, that being said, I want to try to free your mind a little bit Neo. THE MATRIX HAS YOU!

95% of you at least.

The biggest problem is that you are a SIGNAL JUNKIE. There is a huge huge differance between knowing a signal and knowing how to trade. Signals don't last. Different signals work according to what phase the market is in. Is it trending or consoladating.

When I first learned the alphabet I thought I knew how to read. When I learned how to put the alphabet together to form words I thought I knew how to read. When I learned to form words into sentences I thought I knew how to read. When I learned to string sentences into paragraphs. Then I learned to string paragraphs into a book and then I could TRULEY READ...
The market is a book. Have you learned to read the market...?
Cheers, Jerry