Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Pop Quiz.  Why did the pairs spike against the u.s. dollar after 5:00 pm est today, catching most traders with their underwear down around their ankles?

In case you haven't been paying attention to what I've been saying about how the news is used, let's break it down.
The dollar has been rising something fierce against the euro for the past week with no end in site based on the the trend and what's going on with Greece and others in the Euro zone.  The dollar has been rising with no backing and filling ( pullbacks ).  When market makers can't back and fill they leave a lot of money on the table because that means a lot of weak hands ( retail traders ) who would have been punk ed out of their positions on the pullbacks get to massage their greed and stay in their positions for the big score.

Case and point the eurusd.  Since the start of the down move, the market has not pulled back.  Today's u.s data was not negative enough against the dollar to pull it back up.  If you have Lcm you know that 3 bar is where a market wants to go to restore the balance.  But, what if a pullback starts and there is formidable resistance between where price is and where 3 bar is located.

The eurusd started a healthy pullback today and that pullback really had no legs because the eurozone data and the u.s. data today basically balanced each other out.  the Fed said nothing that would weaken the dollar so, basically there was nothing to keep the euro moving up against the dollar.  The euro closed the day right up against upside resistance and nothing in sight to cause it to break through.  Nothing to do but bounce back down off upside resistance and test the bullish pivot that formed at the close of the day.  But worse yet for the euro is that not only did it stop at upside swing resistance but upside trend line resistance also, which is even stronger than swing 
resistance.  Euro can't go any higher without some juice.  Yes, it wants 3 bar up at 4258 very badly but as I mentioned, cut by two levels of strong upside resistance.

Not to worry says the market operators.  That's what we've got the news for...All we have to do is wait until 5:00 est when everyone is closing up shop for the day ( that's why they call it end of day right? ), and pull some surprise news right out of our ass, and shit all over them.  If you don't know who them is, look in the mirror, lol.

Moody's Puts US AAA Rating On Downgrade Review

Let's get real here.  You and i both know that the u.s. is not going to default on it's treasury obligations and let the u.s. economy collapse just because they heads refused to raise the debt ceiling!!!  If you know it and I know it, you know Moody's knows it.  Shoot, the whole world knows it. let's get real here. 

Now, don't get me wrong I'm not just venting here because I did not take a bathe here.  It just gives me a chance to illustrate to you the things I tell you about the news and that the world is a matrix and forex is part of the world matrix.  You must understand how the news works because that's how you loose all your profits after being on a winning streak.  One trade can erase all of your gains if you're not careful about monitoring what actually moves a market, which is news. 

Now, if you think that news just happened to come out during the dead zone between the close of the u.s. market and the open of the Asian market by chance, save yourself a lot of pain and the kids college fund and quit trading now... 

Now that brings me to Lcm.  I cannot tell you how many times that a pivot will form and yet, it looks like there is no way the a market can hit 3 bar target.  And out of nowhere something like today happens to put the market on steroids, if only just enough to hit 3 bar, hence, the term Trading Majic...Because, like Majic, something unexpected will happen to give a market the juice it need against all odds.  Human consciousness follows the universal laws of nature.  The market operators are just a tool of the laws of nature without even trying to be.  Once that imbalance is created in the form of a pivot, they must do what is necessary to bring the market back to balance either wittingly or unwittingly and 3 bar is the minimum point to reestablish balance.  Just as when you misstep and lose your balance it takes you at least 3 steps to regain your balance. 

News causes emotion.  Notice how that word is spelled.  E-MOTION ( Energy in motion ).  Thus, news causes motion...Market motion.  Lcm puts you in position to automatically take advantage of this truth.

I know I could be wrong about this.  All I need for you to do is tell me how...


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