Tuesday, February 15, 2011



Alright, I got my arrogant ass handed to me yesterday.

Instead of entering after the Close of the signal bar I entered on the breaks while the bars were still open.  Now, why would I do such a dumb thing like breaking my own trading rules?

Now pay attention because, what I'm about to say now will be more important than all of the signals I can teach you.

I broke my own rules because I had a busy schedule and tried to cheat the game.  I had too much to do so I didn't manage the trades because, if you follow me, you know that most of the time I'm in and out before the target or stop is hit. My early exits screamed get out but hey, I'm Jerry.  I got too much to do and I havent had a losing trade in a couple of weeks...I OWN THE MARKETS!

Again the market showed me that it doesn't care when I don't have enough time...Doesn't care that I'm tired or baby needs a new pair of shoes.  Yesterday's performance was due to arrogance bread by too much success. Yep, I made some mistakes yesterday and they all had to do with personality and ego.  

Now, hopefully you can understand better when I tell you the things I tell you in the way that I do.
When it comes to experience trading I am far above most with 20 years.  But all men have the same emotions no matter the knowledge.  I'm just giving you an honest analysis of MYSELF!
The market has never ever beaten me but I many times even to this day will beat myself on certain days.

When I follow the system strictly I have strictly positive results.  When I start thinking I'm greater than the system I run into trouble.  So, for me, as always with man, I needed that slap up side the head as another reminder that, what every character flaw I have will be exposed by the markets.

This is the type of analysis I do on myself and thus, I understand you because I am you.  When I tell you I know what you're thinking, I know because I'm you... 

Now, just like you I want to get them back.  I want to hit'em where they hit me... I am pissed at myself...I want to make another trade immediately to show that I really am smart...I am emotional with all of these different angles working on my psyche...

Most times we spend time analyzing our trading system when we should be analyzing...


Then, I better get back to my strict rules before I get caught with my pants around my ankles again...

Cheers, Jerry