Friday, April 27, 2007


Can you see all the long traders trying to figure out what hit them right now. I mean, why is the Euro/Dollar bouncing down so hard right now. Bush is talking but he hasn't said anything that would cause this!

Well, when a man/woman is walking through a jungle should he keep his eyes fixed straight ahead while he is walking or should he be scanning for danger in all directions. In the market jungle you have to look up and down. This is just a situation that illustrates what I tell you when I say the major wave trumps the minor.

Remember in my post last week when I told you the monthly trumps the weekly, the weekly trumps the daily and so forth.

Okay, when you look at the monthly chart I have provided it is no mystery going on here. The market rose today and hit a monthly top. Traders who bought at this level two years ago have been waiting all this time to break even.

Large traders. Of course, who else can hold a losing position this long, throughout a draw down that deep. Hedge funds, banks, rich individuals.

You don't even have to look at an order book to know that there are massive short positions waiting here. If you were them wouldn't you.

That's all I'm going to say about it but since it occurred it gave me an opportunity to show you what I'm talking about. And that doesn't mean the market will stay down, but you need to understand the logic that there will be at least a bounce off this long term resistance level the first time it's hit.

If you're trading off the monthly charts a bounce like this is no big deal in the scheme of things. But if you're trading off the daily or shorter a bounce like this can panic or stop you out of your position.

Don't trade with tunnel vision. These are the types of things we can focus on once we can get through the basics. I see that I can only give you small bites but I did mention it in an earlier post so it at least gives you an opportunity to see what I was talking about. It's one thing for me to tell you something but the real value is when you can see the truth in what I'm saying.


HOMEWORK 4-27-2007

I know I promised to follow up on 3 bar equilibrium today but we have to take advantage of this current market configuration (pivot) as it is occurring. I believe due to the psychology of primacy and recently provides you with the best learning experience so from time to time I will postpone a lesson/s if you will be better served.

For those who responded to the homework assignment. You can see how price at this time has bounced up off the pivot test as if scripted by L.C.M.


1. Now, this bounce up off the pivot could have been anticipated because…

A. The test bar closed on lower volume

B. The test bar also formed a bear pivot on lower volume

C. The bear pivot formed by yesterday’s close needed to be tested

D. There was an intraday pivot, (1hr & 30min) bounce up above the green pivot test line on the chart I sent you last night.

E. All of the above

2. The green line on your chart represented…

A. Support line for today’s trading
B. Resistance line for today’s trading


3. When a down bar closes below the low of the prior bar on lower volume, we should expect the next bar to…

A. Either stop or slow the down move
B. Continue the down move


4. The yellow line on your chart represented…

A. Resistance line for today’s trading
B. Support line for today’s trading


I know it seems like a lot but you’ve got the whole weekend. I don’t expect a response until Monday. But, I will respond before Monday if I get your answers before Monday.


When we are young majic is all we believe, till we are conned by those who deceive, then what we know is all we can see, blowing majic away like wind and leaves.

By what we know we're tossed to and fro, who to turn to, which way to go?when we remember that we are all child-ren, then once again we find a friend.

If we can forget what we 're taught to know, the face of revelation again will show. Ideas unknown we now can get, things forgotten we unforget.

Childish heart swallowed by consuming debt, too hard to believe because we fret, all that we believe is all we can get. And when the circle becomes complete, we find the child they tried to beat.

When faced with the choice, to just survive or truly live we remember that MAJIC IS ALL THERE REALLY IS...



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