Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I know you wer expecting pivot lesson 4 today but I'm sorry I've had to delay it until tomorrow night.

I made a mistake. This is what I said in my post earlier today.

"Well, that red line just happens to be daily support in the form of 3 bar equilibrium. I know I haven't gotten to deeply yet into 3 bar in our reference chart series but it's coming this week I promise. "

We'll... I got a flood of questions on 3 bar equlibrium today. Most of you have got me pegged pretty good by now and despite my bluffing you already know that I'm going to answer your questions when you write me.

So, today's answers have left me no time to put together pivot lesson 4 that I had scheduled for today. 3 bar involves a rather in depth and illustrated explanation so it's a wrap for today. I'm exhausted.
I guess it's my fault though, for even putting that little seed in your head.

But If you must send me questions before the time I asked for, I beg of you to at least contain your questions to the particular lesson and not on furture lessons that I have already promised. However, if you cannot I will never refuse to answer your questions.

But please understand that the more complex elements are what I'm doing this series for and I can only answer so many questions in a day that take me 1 hour to explain and respond to before I run out of day. That causes me to fall behind, which only engenders more questions and the wheels of information start spinning to a stop.

So, I've rescheduled pivot lesson 4 for tomorrow night and this means the lesson I had scheduled for Friday will have to be put off until Monday.

But questions about lessons already covered are good because it helps everyone for me to know if I've forgotten something, made an error or left something unclear. That way I can make the necessary corrections for presentation to you in the next lesson.

Thanks, Jerry

Eurodollar 4hr- 4-20 and 4-24-2007

I want you to see something because it relates to the lesson I sent you last night on outside bar reversals. I'm not ready to get into intraday trading L.C.M. with you yet but I want you to see that the same techniques that apply to the longer time frames also apply to intraday. Go down and refresh yourself with Friday's post Eurodollar update 4-20-2007 4hr and copare it to today's 4hr chart.

See how the 4hr today is responding to the outside bar setup and has reversed up off the red line I drew.
Well, that red line just happens to be daily support in the form of 3 bar equilibrium. I know I haven't gotten to deeply yet into 3 bar in our reference chart series but it's coming this week I promise.
I sometimes want you to see how things develop in real time and at times intraday is the only way to do that. Since the action is in line with what we are currently talking about in our lesson (outside bars) I thought you should see it.

The main thing I want you to remember is how it illustrates what I told you about basing your intraday trades off daily or longer support and resistance levels. So, look at Friday's chart that I posted and compare it to the chart I've presented today. Then compare it to the lesson I sent you last night.

Notice how it is very similar to pivot 6 on our reference chart which by coincidence happens to be the focus of our next lesson.

Nothing is absolute, everything is probability.

Email me! click here



Pivot lesson 3 - Outside bars has been sent to your mailbox. If you did not recieve it let me know.

Thanks, Jerry
Email me! click here