Sunday, August 7, 2011


Okay, I know I don't have to tell you that S&P lowered the rating on U.S. debt from AAA to AA and that's bad news for the dollar.  However, the euro-zone has bad news of it's own and this S&p bullshit is to keep the euro from tanking against the dollar.  They keep telling us that we are in a global economy and the deal is that they don't want to let one currency get out of control against another.  That's what the G-7 and G-20 meetings are all about.  they really want the euro to kill the dollar but the dollar is playing die hard with them so, certian euro zone economies like Italy, Spain, and Greece keep dragging down the euro against the dollar and putting a crimp in the globalist plans for one world currency.  For one world currency they have to kill the dollar.  That's what's really up with the dollar.  All the other stuff you hear is smoke screen.  

My opinion is that prime creator is at work against this satanic New world order they want to shove down our throats.  You know...One religion, Once currency, one government...ONE SATAN!!!

SO, all this other dollar stuff is smoke screen.  You live in the matrix baby and forex is money and money rules the world and if you have no idea what I'm talking about you have no idea that you are A SLAVE NEO!!

Enough geo-political and look at the charts.  The first hour of trading has closed and you had to know that the markets would gap after the on Friday came after the markets we're closed.  If all of these things are news to you I must say, should not be trading because you don't have a clue.  But wait, you will get pissed off at me for telling you that instead of those whom are taking your kids milk money.

I'm not going to go into gaps again because if you've been following this blog I've mentioned how to approach gaps several times.  If you don't know by now that means you have a sound byte mentality and when you tun e in to this blog you only read the most recent thread.  If you don't go back a couple of weeks so you can keep up, well I'm not gonna say it because any truth seems to hurt real bad except the truth that you are giving your money away cause you just plain lazy.  Looking for that sound byte.  That one technique.  the unified field theory of everything.  only problem is you wouldn't recognize it if kicked you in the head...

Listen, after the first hour you have not missed out on anything.  There is nothing but operator participation on my charts.  They are snatching the worm up and down to draw you in.  If you don't believe me please jump in the market, and let me know so I can get some entertainment watching shark week.  It doesn't matter which direction you get in now.  There is panick in the streets and that's their world. You know, the predator spooks the herd first to single out the weak...

Man, wait till those gaps are filled or until after the london open.  I know you might miss some potentially big move but, potential rolls both ways.  

I know I sound harsh right now.  I'm hoping you get so pissed off at me that you go play with mama and the kids so you will stay out of trouble.  I know I haven't been politically correct here but,You can cuss me out later.

Cheers, Jerry

How to draw support & resistance lines with no knowledge-no study ( with part 2 correction )