Friday, July 15, 2011

Market update 12:00 pm est Fri Jul 15 2011

I guess the partymust be over ince I'm able to get this out.  The op's have been riding me like a bronco and I 've been bucking like one.  Haven't been able to maintain a stable internet connection til now.

see, this is how it usually works.  I was closing out some positions early when neither my stop nor my targets were hit ( I do this often and they want to break your balls for it cause it makes you a moving target ).  If you do this regularly from profitable positions before they can cut your target, they send out the squiddy's from the movie the matrix, on a seek and destroy mission to your I.P. addresses.

So, why was I trying to get out early?  Again, the term, " playing the news," means something totally different to me that it does most traders.  Most think playing the news means an opportunity to catch a big move off the news but me, I see it as an opportunity to step into a pile of shite!!!

So, when I looked at the news for today and saw the u.s. data scheduled for 9:55 am est I had to lol...
Prelim UoM Consumer Sentiment and Prelim UoM Inflation Expectations.  Man, Listen, even my dumb butt knows how to duck when you scream DUCK!!!   Key in on the word PRELIMINARY..

When I see the word "PRELIM" next to a scheduled data release I replace the word prelim with BULLSHITE...  I don't need preliminary data I need real data.  Websters definition of preliminary is as follows..."    

: something that precedes or is introductory or preparatory: or FRONT MATTER!!  Don't believe me check the link below.

So, the data release was a front for the REAL DATA!!!   See, that gives the operators the best of both worlds doesn't it...?  When they pump the market off the fake ass news they have an excuse when that move is reversed On the so called REVISED DATA, which was the real data all along.  Call me a drunkard if you like but The finger prints at the scene of the crime is always shown by my indicator.  they are always there but hey, you can take the red pill or the blue pill... But, on your way to Kansas you will pass me headed in the opposite direction cause, while you're headed to Kansas I'm headed to the bank...

So, look for a signal that will allow you to safely fade this false move...


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