Thursday, April 26, 2007


Pop quiz


A. The pivot bar formed on lower volume
B. Yesterday’s bar closed below the high of the pivot bar on higher volume
C. Pivot point has not been tested
D. Price bounced off three bar equilibrium
E. All of the above

Study guide:

1. Counter-trend targets – page 7, L.C.M.

2. 3 bar equilibrium PAGE (18, 19, 20 RECENT BOOK UP DATE). STUDY ATTACHED CHART – supplied with the recent update (bar 4).

Once we are familiar with the information on 3 bar equilibrium (3 bar for shorthand) which has already been provided, that will be our focus, to fill in the gaps, errors and/or omissions in the material provided.

When you turn in your homework I will know where you are and the direction I need to take with future instruction. If you do not turn in your homework, congratulations, you have made me very proud because you have graduated and are out there making loads of cash. That means, L.C.M. is working just as advertised and I have another satisfied customer.


Cheers, Jerry

Email me! click here

EURODOLLAR 4-26 2007

Have a look at our updated reference chart I've provided today. Do you see anything about today's action that does not fit in with your basic L.C.M. PIVOT AND VOLUME RULES? If not I'd like to hear from you.

But be advised that I will answer you by referring you to the material already supplied to you in the book, in your book updates, and in our current lesson series.

Then, after reviewing that information, tell me SPECIFICALLY what it is about the point you do not understand. In light of the volume of information you have been provided, a simple, Hey Jerry, I don't understand pivots just does not wash. Tell me specifically what it is about the information about pivots/volume you have been provided that you don't understand.

I know my writing skills leave something to be desired but in any given lesson there are going to be things you do understand about it and things you don't understand about it. Give me a book page number, or update page number, or lesson number. Something...

I'm so busy I no longer have the time to do the research for you.

Sincerely, Jerry

Email me! click here