Friday, March 18, 2011


 I've been trading a new demo account this week.  Based on what I explained to you in the newsletter I don't need to go into the reasons here.  But suffice to say that, I started trading the account on the 13th of March.  I want you to see what results are like when I can actually log into my account.  Can actually exit trades whenever I want.  Not once locked out of the trading platform.  Not one computer system crash when I simply click on the trade icon on my platform.  All of the weird happenings that were occurring with the MT4i account. Yes, they happen occasionally but, Once I went public with Mt4i, it was all day every day.  I only needed a week to figure out what was up and my investigation proved it to me.  

 But before I started calling trade signals again I just wanted to see for a few days if there would be a difference with and without Mt4i.  The statement below is a typical week of trading Lcm rules.  The only time I don't get similar results is when my trades are too public.

Click link for trade statement for this week.
Detailed statement

March 16  2011
Thank you for keeping the updates coming and in general looking after all of us.
I am writing to inform about my latest developments based on your materials.
Since I have started using the unplugged entry I am doing very  well. I enter on 1h and I watch four markets gbpusd eurusd and gbpjpy eurjpy. Understanding  pivots, volume in combination with unplugged entry can make you very profitable trader. I can tell that is easy to make 50 plus even 100 plus pips every day (personal experience). Normally I exit on close of 1h bar , 3 bar s/r or 4h/daily s/r, depends of the situation.
I am spending a lot of time watching the market tick by tick. I see how blue bars change to green or yellow in the last 5 min of the hour. I would like to bring to your attention that chasing the operators money is much more difficult job than just chasing the new money (green volume bars). What I say is based on bar prints. I don’t remember in which video but you said it yourself that new money (green bars) is like dinner bell for operators.  That’s why if I haven’t watched  the market tick by tick and I have to analyse market on bar prints, (once I wake up in the morning situation) I concentrate on chasing the new money. Much more easier job I reckon. Fade the retail. Please let me know if you thing that’s the right thing. I rate highly your opinion.
Mr,B ( Croatia )

I asked Mr. B if I could use his email in my testimonials.  See, these are the types of emails I get almost every single day from across the globe.  Unlike some out there, I get so many emails like this that keeping up with them is very time consuming because typically, I feel that the updates and trade information I provide should speak for itself but, for those that need to see if others are successful with Lcm principles I will start posting some testimonials from time to time.  So, be advised, if you send or have sent me your positive experience it may end up in my testimonials.  I'm posting Mr. B here ( name changed to protect privacy ) because it is very detailied and expresses much of what I get very often.  So, thank you Mr. B.  I appreciate your truthful and kind words.  

March 17 2011

Hi Jerry, 

Thank you for the market inside information. Loved it.
I will be more than happy if you use any of my messages in the testimonials. You know how highly I rate this course. It really changed my life. I can say that the 1 on 1 training is a must for anyone who is serious about trading and wants to make money out of the market on constant basis. I think the price of the course is an absolute bargain for the knowledge you get.

Also I would like to add that I used to be huge Elliott Wave fan. I say ‘used to’ because after your course I am not so ‘huge’ anymore. Here I realized that PROFITABLE trading is less about prediction and more about reaction. With other words – now I care less where the market is going and more what is DOING. (I am sure most traders will disagree. I read most traders lose money…)
Cheers. Mr,B ( Croatia )

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