Friday, March 18, 2011



If you are looking to make sense of today's market action you need look no further than this link.

During G7 and now G20 meetings anything can happen and once again it shows that is truer than true.  All of the governments have to save Japan because their currency has been RISING!  But wait, wait a minute...
Japan, a country hit with a massive sunami. Who has a nuclear reactor that's about ready to turn into a new star, and yet, through it all, the Japanese yen has been rising against most all major currencies.

Now they come out with an edit for all to see they all of the governments are joining forces to bring the Yen Down.  That's right.  They said down didn't they.  You have to help me cause my currency is becoming more valuable not less valuable.  

Why does it smell to me like the other currencies must be in trouble because it seems that the yen is a major prop to keep the rest standing.  I mean, to you just accept information that these people give you.  Cause if you do then you know whom I'm talking about when I use the word SHEEPLE...

But wow!  They not only tell you every government will be buying Jpy but even what times they will begin buying and end buying.  They are telling you this cause they are your friends right?  You know this from all the times before that they helped you make money right?  LOL...

Okay, now that you know what's up.  And you do know what's up because THEY have told you right?  That's how you always know right?  That's why you've been making all that money cause THEY told you how...

You already know that the currency markets are too big for manipulation cause THEY who manipulate it keeps telling you that.  And you keep basing your trading mindset off of what THEY SAY!  I know because someone tells me every day how I'm full of do-do cause the markets are too big to manipulate....

Let's say I agree with you if only to illustrate a point.  What if the markets are too big to manipulate?  Here is the point...YOU ARE NOT TOO BIG TO MANIPULATE.

You meaning Joe public.  The retail trader.  And I yet again will prove my cause here right on the charts while those who want to argue the point will stick with what they say.

Now, for a little market forensics...When the report came out all markets blew up against the yen and and other market followed due to the correlation effect.  Now, when governments and large institutions are buying and selling they have market makers do it for them.  So, of course we will be able to look at our charts, say 1hr charts, and see nothing but large blue bars on our MFI to show they were pushing prices up.

BUT YOU DON'T SEE THAT DO YOU...?  What do you see...?

I don't see massive participation from the big fellas.  No more than usual. In fact, the only place I see heavy participation from the usual suspects is in the eurusd.  Hmmm, so who are we really trying to help here.

With all that being said, if you were using my LCM unplugged entry last night you are very fat this morning and should be out getting some spring air. 

When I look out at the horizon I see ships...

On today's like today, when they tell you they are manipulating the market can we say that it's safe to trade today?  Is the market predictable today?  I'm not saying you shouldn't trade today but I am saying that some days are better served for study than for trading.

Cheers, Jerry

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