Saturday, May 5, 2007


Yep, it's me again

I know I've given you a lot recently so I'm going to ease off the pedal a little to give you a chance to digest the feast of info I've served.

Just keep in mind that 90% of the stuff is not new. Most of it is the same stuff over and over again, just phrased differently. When I put it one way, you can understand but someone else may not. So, I generally try to present the same info 3 differant ways trying to cover everyones bases. However, if you just go day to day and don't study the back lessons, it will be new to you.

That's one of the biggest reasons for the blog. So that you will have an easily accessable referance source to catch up on things that you are behind on. After all, you really don't expect me to rewrite the book every day do ya...

So, when you see something that appears new it would be helpful to search the back lessons to see if your question has been covered.
I would like to do it for you and I do as much as I can but, I have published literally hundreds of articles and lessons over the past year for my students and I don't have total recall.

Shoot...what did I have for dinner yesterday...or is today, today or is this yesterday...? See what I mean? (smile)

So, for the next couple of days the question bank is open. I only have one request though. I want you to post your questions in the comment section of the blog. That way all students can see the question and answer which keeps me from answering the same question over and over because as you know, Unlike some others out there I do not send out automated canned responses. I answer all questions personally.

And don't worry about someone posting some insulting retort to you questions. I moderate the comments just for this reason. Some questions I will answer openly on the blog but, since the blog is open to all for the moment, some answers will be sent directly to the mailbox of all students to protect our private information. I mean, I'm not just going to give to everyone what you have been smart enough to pay for...(smile).

And of course if you feel the question warrants a more personal message to me go ahead and send it to my mailbox because posting on the blog is just a request not mandatory since many of you know that despite my bark I'm just a big ole softie , you're going to send your questions to my mailbox anyway.

I only ask these things of you because it helps me to serve you better. The more time I can focus on the actual lessons then the faster I can bring you along.

I realize that you may see a couple of pages and a chart and think that it's not that much work but often it takes a couple of hours to put together one lesson for you. After all, it's not a novel I'm writing.
It's not about what I know, that's the easy part. But how to bring it to you in the most easily understandable way for hundreds of different students, each on different levels of experience, that is the difficult part indeed.

May the balance be with you...

Love, Peace, and Harmony.


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