Tuesday, August 9, 2011


For those who have my course, take a look at our retail vs professional indicator.  Notice how once again, they wait until the end of the hour that the data is released.  This is to see which side the majority of retail traders took.  Today it shows they went short...Right now it's 15 min before the end of the next hour 4:00 pm est.  I see operators showing on the dramatic reversal from down to up. 

This may change as the op's start selling near the top, nest resistance level to end the hour. I smell flesh burning.  Retail flesh...That's the only thing truly predictable about the market.  The moves will go against retail traders.

Now listen up.  Do you think it was an accident that the head of the fed did not just say that they were keeping interest rates down.  Nope...He made sure to state that they would keep them down for 2 years, just to insure that the dollar would tank.  What did I tell you a few day ago about New world order.  The plan to purposely trash the dollar and then all other currencies...

No Fed chief in their right mind would say they are going to keep rates down 2 years...that is, unless they are new world order, which the fed surely is.  If you don't know, currencies rise when the interest rate goes up or they are talking about possibly raising interest rates down the road.  They call that a hawkish statement.  When they are considering lowering, that causes a currency to fall, and is called a dovish statement.

What kind of statement was it today?  It was an announcement more blatant than any I've seen in my 20 years of trading.  That announcement was, " we are here, we have taken control, we no longer even give a damn if you know, cause there is nothing you can do about it.  We are new world order...resistance is futile...you and your loved ones will be assimilated.  

I keep trying to tell you what's up and most of you keep telling me I'm paranoid and you don't have time cause they guy you just bought that get rich system from has pretty charts.

Well, you've still got my support/resistance charts from last week.  I told you the levels should be good for at least a week.  Take a look at them.  They ain't pretty like the guy's you just wasted your money on.  But, they will tell you what time it is...

Cheers, Jerry

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