Tuesday, August 9, 2011


For those who have my course, take a look at our retail vs professional indicator.  Notice how once again, they wait until the end of the hour that the data is released.  This is to see which side the majority of retail traders took.  Today it shows they went short...Right now it's 15 min before the end of the next hour 4:00 pm est.  I see operators showing on the dramatic reversal from down to up. 

This may change as the op's start selling near the top, nest resistance level to end the hour. I smell flesh burning.  Retail flesh...That's the only thing truly predictable about the market.  The moves will go against retail traders.

Now listen up.  Do you think it was an accident that the head of the fed did not just say that they were keeping interest rates down.  Nope...He made sure to state that they would keep them down for 2 years, just to insure that the dollar would tank.  What did I tell you a few day ago about New world order.  The plan to purposely trash the dollar and then all other currencies...

No Fed chief in their right mind would say they are going to keep rates down 2 years...that is, unless they are new world order, which the fed surely is.  If you don't know, currencies rise when the interest rate goes up or they are talking about possibly raising interest rates down the road.  They call that a hawkish statement.  When they are considering lowering, that causes a currency to fall, and is called a dovish statement.

What kind of statement was it today?  It was an announcement more blatant than any I've seen in my 20 years of trading.  That announcement was, " we are here, we have taken control, we no longer even give a damn if you know, cause there is nothing you can do about it.  We are new world order...resistance is futile...you and your loved ones will be assimilated.  

I keep trying to tell you what's up and most of you keep telling me I'm paranoid and you don't have time cause they guy you just bought that get rich system from has pretty charts.

Well, you've still got my support/resistance charts from last week.  I told you the levels should be good for at least a week.  Take a look at them.  They ain't pretty like the guy's you just wasted your money on.  But, they will tell you what time it is...

Cheers, Jerry

Thanks for the heads up

The title link for the previous post is now working thanks to the heads up comment I got from one of my shadow followers...lol.  Many thanks..  Go to the previous link and click on the first link for video.
For some reason part 2 still won't upload..  Will try later.

Cheers, Jerry


Trying to get part 2 uploaded.  Hopefully it will get through sometime today.  I can't make any promises, I'm too tired to fight them today.

In the meantime, here is an educational link that shows you what the matrix really is as far as the tools of the matrix.  Those with eyes shall see...Those with ears shall hear...and those with neither are just like in the move The Matrix.  Though they be your brothers and sisters, you will have to shoot them in the head in order for you to survive.  What do I mean by that?  Stop listening to THEY.  STOP ASKING THE OPINION OF THEY!  They say this and they say that.  IT IS THIS VERY THEY, THAT THE USE AGAINST YOU...


Down the road I will break down some of this super technology and show you how it's used against you, as well as how it's used against teachers like me.  For the rest of you.  Like the instructions for when the plane you're flying in has engine failure..  The instructions read as follows, " place head between legs,  kiss asshole goodbye...

Cheers, Jerry


Today is a dangerous day for retail traders.  The pairs are full of tweeners on the daily charts.  What are tweeners?  When a market is between support/resistance levels with no clear commitment where it wants to go. and the most recent equilibrium point ( pivot/balance point ) being relatively far away in time.

It's like, when you see the cops making some drunk driver walk the sobriety line.  He is weaving and wobbling but he is still walking that straight line.  We are laughing at him and saying, "How is he doing that?"  We can't figure out at any moment if he is going to straighten up or tumble down,,,A man walking a tight rope.  It's clear that he's drunk but, what's holding him on that line.  It's funny because we just don't know what step he will take next although it should be obvious, since he's drunk.  The point is, WE JUST DON'T KNOW...that's why it's so funny...

Today is one of those market days.  Yes, we can predict, we can guess, but what will the predictions be based on?  It's better to react than to predict.  It's like professional baseball.  The reporter asks the hitter, how did you get the winning hit, and the ballplayer says, "well, he threw me a changeup in the situation the last time and got me out so, I figured he would come back with the same pitch this time, and he did."  In other words, I predicted what he would do and GUESSED RIGHT...
But when I hear that question posed to the greatest hitters I've seen they usually have a different answer.  They say something simple like, "Hey man, my strategy is, SEE BALL...HIT BALL! I saw it well so I hit it well.  In other words, he did not predict, HE REACTED! One of those strategies will keep you around long enough to be in the hall of fame.  I'll let you decide which one.

The 4hr and 1hr pivot reversals have done just what they were supposed to do overnight. Performing like champions as usual.   However, when we look at the daily chart of the audusd, nzdusd, and usdcad (the commodity pairs ) we can see the potential for all of the pairs.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not confused.  The market can either do this or do that.  The thing is, I don't predict if it's gonna do this or do that.  I let the market tell me.  And like the drunken man, right now the market is telling me it's going to do this AND it's going to do that.  It has not chosen. No commitment. Yeah, but what about the big moves overnight?  Yawn... typical fibonacci retracements and trend continuation moves.  Oops, I forgot.  Those are principles, you only want techniques. So, I'm gonna skip all that and cut right to the chase.

I'm looking to SEE BALL, BEFORE I HIT BALL...

The gaps and subsequent moves off of them has the man on the charts drunk.  He's off balance and stumbling because of those gaps.  The gaps are caused by geopolitical events that have not yet run their course.  Case in point, the U.S. interest rate decision at 2:15 est today.  If you didn't know that picture a visual of me having you turned over my knee and spanking the hell out of you....Lol!!!

Now, what if, the operators are driving the herd hard against the dollar all night and half the day.  Everybody and their momma is piling in against the dollar.  Stampeding right into the slaughter house.  Now, nice and fat at 2:15 the butcher walks in in the form of positive dollar interest rate news.  All the beef stampedes to the exit at the same time.  And...the butchers are waiting.  On the way out all the cattle half to pay for their exit with a pound of ass...

Now, don't get me wrong.  I'm not saying this is going to happen.  I'm only saying this scenario needs to be considered a possibility based on my 20 years if seeing it happen many, many times.  So, our trading mentality needs to be adjusted accordingly.  I prefer to wait now but, if I see a quick in and out opportunity I may try it with the knowledge that I most probably will get my ass burned but hey,  I don't play the lottery and sometimes this is the way I play lottery. 

In all seriousness, there will be two types of traders today.  The quick and the dead.  And 99% of traders ain't nearly quick so, that leaves only one option.

At 8:30 we have some U.S. non farm news data being released.  The calender says medium impact but I wonder.  The markets are looking for anything to hold on too.  when you are wobbly you are clutching and grabbing for anything within reach.  CAUTION IS THE WORD FOR TODAY...

Many of my true backers are telling me that they have developed a sweet tooth for my videos so, I will try to come back with a little candy for you a little later.

For now look out for major Cad news in 10 minutes.  New home sales.  My be something to get the market hopping but with that interest rate decision hanging over the market, hedge all bets.

Cheers, Jerry

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Okay, I know I don't have to tell you that S&P lowered the rating on U.S. debt from AAA to AA and that's bad news for the dollar.  However, the euro-zone has bad news of it's own and this S&p bullshit is to keep the euro from tanking against the dollar.  They keep telling us that we are in a global economy and the deal is that they don't want to let one currency get out of control against another.  That's what the G-7 and G-20 meetings are all about.  they really want the euro to kill the dollar but the dollar is playing die hard with them so, certian euro zone economies like Italy, Spain, and Greece keep dragging down the euro against the dollar and putting a crimp in the globalist plans for one world currency.  For one world currency they have to kill the dollar.  That's what's really up with the dollar.  All the other stuff you hear is smoke screen.  

My opinion is that prime creator is at work against this satanic New world order they want to shove down our throats.  You know...One religion, Once currency, one government...ONE SATAN!!!

SO, all this other dollar stuff is smoke screen.  You live in the matrix baby and forex is money and money rules the world and if you have no idea what I'm talking about you have no idea that you are A SLAVE NEO!!

Enough geo-political and look at the charts.  The first hour of trading has closed and you had to know that the markets would gap after the U.S.news on Friday came after the markets we're closed.  If all of these things are news to you I must say, WTF...you should not be trading because you don't have a clue.  But wait, you will get pissed off at me for telling you that instead of those whom are taking your kids milk money.

I'm not going to go into gaps again because if you've been following this blog I've mentioned how to approach gaps several times.  If you don't know by now that means you have a sound byte mentality and when you tun e in to this blog you only read the most recent thread.  If you don't go back a couple of weeks so you can keep up, well I'm not gonna say it because any truth seems to hurt real bad except the truth that you are giving your money away cause you just plain lazy.  Looking for that sound byte.  That one technique.  the unified field theory of everything.  only problem is you wouldn't recognize it if kicked you in the head...

Listen, after the first hour you have not missed out on anything.  There is nothing but operator participation on my charts.  They are snatching the worm up and down to draw you in.  If you don't believe me please jump in the market, and let me know so I can get some entertainment watching shark week.  It doesn't matter which direction you get in now.  There is panick in the streets and that's their world. You know, the predator spooks the herd first to single out the weak...

Man, wait till those gaps are filled or until after the london open.  I know you might miss some potentially big move but, potential rolls both ways.  

I know I sound harsh right now.  I'm hoping you get so pissed off at me that you go play with mama and the kids so you will stay out of trouble.  I know I haven't been politically correct here but,You can cuss me out later.

Cheers, Jerry

How to draw support & resistance lines with no knowledge-no study ( with part 2 correction )

Friday, August 5, 2011


I can rarely get out trade alerts, I can rarely do live trading sessions and now, it's getting to the point where I am having trouble with my trading accounts, just getting my own trades in and that's how I make my living.  Not from selling educational materials.  That just allows me to do the fun stuff like teach and help those that newer traders that are being abused through lack of knowledge of the true forex jungle.

I'm starting to get too much attention from people who get my materials from bootleggers and then want to follow my blogs to show them how to trade it effectively.  Too many people who want to follow my trade alerts that attract too much attention from the operators, etc...

For the reasons mentioned above there will be a password required to access this blog.  I don't know the date yet but within a week or so I will make an announcement.  I hate to sound like a butt but there is only so much I can do as one man.  So, my free people, I love you all but I must tell you to get as much out of this blog as you can now because it's about to be for Jerry's true people very shortly.

Important Notice:  Next week I will be making an announcement about hiring traders to trade for me.  The requirement is that you must take or have taken my 1 on 1 trader training course.  I'm not going to say how many traders I will hire to trade my accounts but I will say the number is very small, SAY BETWEEN 10 AND 25.  We will be splitting profits 50/50 and I don't know anywhere else you can find this offer.  You obtain my course and we win together or we lose together.  Flat out...I DON'T LOSE OFTEN...

For the traders the trading will be pretty easy.  I have almost completed the indicators that will make trading almost 80% mechanical with the indicators and alerts that I have developed with great time and expense.  I do not believe in 100% mechanical trading because robots can't measure market sentiment with the news data and geo-political events, etc..

iI'MABOUT READY TO RETIRE BUT iI STILL WANT THE BENEFITS OF TRADING INCOME.  With traders trading for me I get the best of both worlds, don't you agree...

My intent was to make them available commercially but I have found that everything I put out get's stolen and traders end up buying my material from some guru who stole it from me 

It will be strictly on a first come first serve basis and if you want to be considered, drop me an email and I will send you out the details as they become available.  Traders will be considered in the order which I receive notice of their interest.

I love giving people free rides but my back is tired...

By the end of this year the only traders I will be training are the ones who work for me...

So, Mr operators.  I have no plans to disrupt your system by training thousands of traders to do what I do. You can give me some peace now...


Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Gbpusd - equilibrium point = 1.6295.  Look for a pullback to that level before considering longs. Take shorts to this level with stop 10 pips above yesterdays high

Eurusd - equilibrium point = 1.4295. Look for a pullback to that level before considering longs. Take shorts to this level with stop above yesterdays's high

audusd - equilibrium level = 1.0647  Look for a pullback to that level before considering longs. Take shorts to this level with stop above yesterdays's high

When the levels are hit look for reversal bars to go in the opposite direction.

Usd chf -0.8005 will not meet daily resistance until that level.  look to take longs with stop below yesterday's low.

Nzdusd - Fell through equilibrium point. Next equilibrium point  is 0.08358.  Take shorts to this level with stop above yesterday's high

Eurcad -   closed above equilibrium point of 1.3686 -48. target next equilibrium point at 1.4008. Look to buy in equilibrium range with stop below tuesday's low.

Analysis based on price supported by volume.  Volume to mean the amount of participation and who the majority of participation was.  Retail or professional.

Note: usdchf and nzdusd projections are counter trend which means the risk is heightened if reversal trades are taken after pullback to the stated equilibrium levels.





Having trouble with part 3. They're on to me. you will understand why when you watch the first 2 parts. I'm gonna try to rush out these first 2 parts before the sabotage is complete...

Here is part 3 after internet connection issues.  Hmmm...Always happens when I talk about certain things. But, if I don't talk about it I'm just like all the rest.  I would be lying to you.  What does it say in the Bible..."I will send you strong delusion, to make you believe the lie even more because, YEE ARE NOT LOVERS OF THE TRUTH."

Lets see if you have technical issues viewing these vids.  I suspect that you will...