Thursday, December 23, 2010



This is a notification to let you know that the webex videos are changing servers and the switch will not be completed until sometime this weekend.  I have to do this because of security reasons as my video links are floating all over the world and too many are getting for free what my students are paying for and that's not right and it's a major hassle but it will be done.

So, I am sorry for the inconvenience but it's in the best interests of my students as well as myself. 

Along with the switch will be a reorganization of the video archives to allow you to access specific content more quickly.  Saturday or Sunday I will post the new information on this blog.

SKYPE UPDATE: Well, it official now.  For the first time I am having problems with skype and I'm sure its just a coincidence that I just made skype my new hub of operations to get away from the cyber terrorism I've been experiencing over the last 6 months. 

The problem is that when I log onto skype now I never get logged in.  You will see me as logged in but i won't know you're trying to contact me as all of my contacts show as offline.  It's been throwing me off quite a bit but it's just now that I realized what was going on.

Therefore, if you tried to hit me on skype and I wasn't able to get back to you and you have an attitude, I am sick of that.  You are either with me or you are against me.  Ain't no middle ground cause I'm fighting for you and if you can't see that I agree with one of my more loyal students, " YOU ARE A SUCKER AND I'M TIRED OF FIGHTING FOR SUCKERS...GET IT.  If you are pissed off that I am being persecuted for your behalf, " SEE YA, WOULDN'T WANT TO BE YOU...
My love is for all, my patience is not... I've got your back but, whose got mine? That's what I thought...I hear crickets chirping.
So, today and tomorrow I will be in fix it mode.  We are so close to Christmas anyway thus I'm not keen on making trade calls when the operators have the upper hand.

Cheers, Jerry

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