Thursday, May 10, 2007


See what happens when we don't wait for the close of the bar. Especially with news reports. That mean ole market made you think is was gonna go up didn't it. Made you think it was gonna form a bull pivot didn't it...then a few minutes before the close of the bar...wham! The floor broke.

Now, that we have the direction we want to go short don't we. We're all hot and bothered because we're missing the down move aren't we? some of us jumped in short without a plan didn't we?

Well, well, well. Looks like we have what...another range bar on the 1hr.

But we already know that if we enter short we should wait for a pullback to the floor right...cause our risk is the top of that range bar. So the yellow line would be fine because it's at the floor and from there's not too far from the door.

If you go short enter at the yellow line with your stop above the high of the new range bar. Okay...Okay. Me, Since I'm a sparrow, I won't enter unless price hits the open of the new range bar. But you know us sparrows, that's why we're so small and narrow...
I'm not saying you would be wrong to jump in short now. I'm just saying the lotto line is open for business.

Oh, 3485 would be a good place to take profit, unless of course theres weakness before then. But that's just advice for us sparrows...


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