Friday, April 13, 2007


Welcome to the new Tradingmajic blog. I have a lot to say so here goes.

Yes, I know I've been missing in action but I'm hoping that you will forgive me in light of what's been going on with me.

When you last heard from me I was in the process of updating the book to improve the understanding of and therefore the results you receive from trading THE LAWS OF CHARTS AND MEN (LCM). However, I was halfway through the update when I encountered some major issues in my life that I have been struggling through. This is basically what happened.

I have a 19 year old daughter who is/was in college on a basketball scholarship. While home a weekend she went out with a friend. While she and her friend were out at a teen social club they were robbed and brutally beaten by a gang of girls and boys. While trying to escape they made it back to their car. When they made it to the car while still being beaten by at least 10 people. As they made it to the car they were shot at, yes, shot at by theses thugs as evidenced by the multiple bullet holes in the car. By this time they had already been so badly beaten, complete with kicks to the head while they were down and baseball bats.

When the shooting started they were desperately trying to get away while their car was still surrounded by these animals. To make a long story short, while trying to escape they ran over one of the gang members who, we found out later was a 17 year old high school student/dropout.

This tragic situation began a chain of events that spiraled into my worst nightmare. First of all, my daughter and her friend were beaten so bad I did not recognize them when I rushed to the hospital and her friend was battling for survival.

This began a vigil praying for the life of her friend, dealing with the police, the media, etc. After a full investigation the police ruled the girls death a justifiable accident. The only person arrested for the incident was the shooter whom shot up their car. Yes, he was trying to murder them. All of this for some expensive jewelry they were wearing. After a couple of weeks everything seemed to be coming along okay and I thought my family could return to some type of normal life. My daughter and her friend survived and their wounds were no longer life threatening.

This all sounds so crazy I really had no idea what to say to you at that time, but I sent my daughter back to school and resumed the work on the book update at a feverish pace, and here is where an insane situation gets more insane.

As I mentioned, my daughter plays basketball for her university on scholarship. A week after she went back to school her university had a game with a university here in our home town against one of the local colleges here. Just to let you know, I never miss one of her games, if they are within a 4 hour drive or less. But this game I did not go to and I will never forgive myself because I let my daughter down as a father.

See, after everything was over with I was upset with her for wearing expensive jewelry in public and going to a place that I found out had a seedy reputation in the first place. So, in effect, I blamed her. But in reflection I was upset because the situation had caused me to fall behind on my obligations relating to LCM AND SOME OTHER THINGS.

So, this is what I told her. "I'm not coming to your game this time because you have caused me to fall too far behind and now I have to take care of business." Of course she protested but I scolded her once again for the reasons mentioned. Being the idiot I am, I actually didn't go to the game.

I didn't know this at the time but this gang somehow found out where my daughter was going to school and discovered when and where she would be playing that day. I also didn't know that they had sworn revenge for the death of their fellow gang member. Looking back I shown have thought about this possibility but let my anger override my love for my daughter, therefore I wasn't thinking the way I should have been. Especially after being a decorated police officer in life before markets.

Incredibly, after the game, while my daughter was standing on the court talking to her coach, in front of at least a couple of thousand people whom were still in the arena, this gang ran out of the stands and once again attacked my daughter, along with her coaches, teammates, and friends who rushed to her aid. Basically, everyone but me, since I was stupid enough not to be there. If not for the efforts of those around her she would be dead. And where was her father is what everyone wanted to know, since I have been a fixture at her games forever? I then found out that these people had been sending her death threats after she got back to school, but did not tell me because, as she put it, "you care more about your work than you do about me. If you have children I don't have to tell you that her words cut the spirit out of me because I knew she was justified and my selfishness could have cost her her life.

This incident began another chain of events. I 've had to take her out of school and send her out of town, but the whole thing has just thrown our whole lives out of order. I have not been trading nor following the markets during this time so I am in a hurry to get back to full steam.

In closing, I've been gone longer than I anticipated and am just now getting back some normal flow to our lives.

Now, I am restructuring how I will be handling things as far as the web site and the means of our communication. If you went to the web site and it is not up don't worry about it. I'm switching web servers and revamping the web site. The web site is for introducing new members and right now my main concern is current members and how I can help you.

I'm switching because I've grown to where I need a more versatile site where I can set up videos and live chats, etc... So trying to maintain the old site will take away time from getting the new site up and running as I'm not trying to recruit new members just yet.

I'm first going to concentrate on getting the book updated and resuming my daily commentaries. Starting now you can address questions to me here at the blog and I feel this will be the start of more efficient communications. The look and feel of the blog will evolve as we go along but I wanted to get things up and running as soon as possible.

You should check the blog several times each day as some days I will be posting more than others.

You can click on comments for specific trading questions. For more personalized questions you can email me by clicking the email me below. I will resume market commentary on Monday April 16, 2007.

Email me!.

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