Thursday, April 19, 2007


This post is to notify you of a correction to the last chart I posted. Click on chart to see how it should have appeared. On the prior chart bar 1 is noted as the pivot measuring bar but it is underneath the wrong bar. It should be underneath the long white candle instead of the green candle that it is sitting under. I apologize for the confusion. I should have been more careful.

Many times when I am doing real time updates I am rushing to get it out to illustrate a particular point before the market moves and does something else. I want you to have it before a move occurs so that you can get an idea of anticipating certain happenings before they happen.

I also want you to keep in mind that real time commentary can not be as orderly as the lessons in the book, or when I'm simply posting a lesson. During real time I am commenting on things as they happen and they don't happen in a certain order. Thus, I am jumping around without
regard for a particular order of lessons.

Then too I'm trying to give you an outlook for both daily and intraday simultaneously. So, at times it may seem inconsistent because a person whom is trading off the daily will have a different outlook than a person trading intraday. But I need your feedback to tell me what is helpful or not or what seems confusing or inconsistent. In this way I can conform the commentary to the needs of the less experienced as well as the more experienced. If I don't hear from you I have to assume that you are getting out of it what you need to get out of it.

Today a got a response from one of my most dedicated students letting me know that I seem to be somewhat inconsistant and the comments were extremely illuminating for me. I need you to give me your feedback also so that I may make necessary adjustments as needed.


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