Thursday, March 31, 2011


Click here for Account statement
Twitter Transcripts

Jerry Stewart

Jerry Stewart
Don't make your current method your religion. The only thing constant is change...
Jerry Stewart
you're starting to see how my approach is totally radical to what you have been taught...Bottom line is, what does that acct. statement say
Jerry Stewart
Why am I not looking at other pairs. Because we are in a flow with usdchf. Right now her current is predictable. We're dancing like lovers
8 minutes ago

Jerry Stewart
Jerry Stewart
11 minutes ago

Jerry Stewart
Jerry Stewart
Jerry Stewart

Jerry Stewart
Jerry Stewart
Jerry Stewart
Jerry Stewart
Jerry Stewart

Jerry Stewart
usdchf sell short 2nd scale in @ .9230
Jerry Stewart
usdchf adjust short scale in to .9203
Jerry Stewart
usdchf sell short 1st scale in @.9223 no stop no tp. we're playing poker...

Jerry Stewart
usdchf sell short 1st scale in @.9223 no stop no tp. we're playing poker...
Jerry Stewart
usdchf My buyers vs sellers indicator is showing nothing but selling yet price is rising too swiftly. I smell a little
Jerry Stewart
usdchf remove stop for possible scale in. I feel the current action is an attempt at stops
Jerry Stewart
When I signal a trade, get out where it's comfortable profit for you. You don't have to wait for the target to be hit.
Jerry Stewart
What I'm saying is that op's hold price against the retailers as long as possible. When retailers exit they turn it loose
Jerry Stewart
Far too often to be any kind of coiencidence. I try to get the alert in early so all my people have a chance to get out.
Jerry Stewart
Notice how eurchf immediately spiked up to our original target of 1.2965 as soon as I told you to close out. Have you noticed how often?

Jerry Stewart
eurchf closed @.2952 +32 pips
Jerry Stewart
close eurchf @ market
Jerry Stewart
The same reasons I entered eurchf applies to usdchf only in reverse. to the short side instead of the long side
Jerry Stewart
usdchf...sold short @.9142 stop@ .9190 tp@ .9103
Jerry Stewart
last hr bar closed above 1 hr supply line
Jerry Stewart
1hr footstep support just below yesterday's close
Jerry Stewart
buyers vs sellers volume indicator shows buyers took control on last hr's bar
Jerry Stewart
pivot formed on higher volume and stochastices crossing up through oversold.
Jerry Stewart
That long entry is eurchf based on 1hr complex bull pivot above yesterday"s close
Jerry Stewart
LONG ENTRY @.2920 market ..stop@ 1.2875 tp@ 1.2965
Jerry Stewart
eurchf buy @ market stop 1.2827 tp 1.2958

Wednesday, March 30, 2011



From: LJ
To: jerry Stewart
Sent: Wed, March 30, 2011 9:28:06 AM
Subject: Spooked by Euro the last 2 days

Hi Jerry.
Lots of signals, no movement.

Re: Spooked by Euro the last 2 days

 From:  jerry Stewart


The Eurusd is sitting at weekly minor support after a high volume down bar last week.  This indicates that the eurusd wants to go down.  but is being supported by weekly footstep. so there is a fight raging right now that needs to be resolved before eurusd can make a move .  The 4hr eurusd is contained within an inside bar, the long red bar 7 bars ago which is mother bar.  mother is also a range bar and a down range bar usually gets tested at the high.

The euraud is a good bet to go down because of the bear reversal bar that formed last week. But is also contained within an inside bar.

As far as volume the most recent 4 hr indication is no supply on the down moves which means demand should be entering the market to take price up in the short term.

But I am also a little skittish with this market right now.  Especially after the dollar negative news this morning did nothing to move the markets.  And that was a major report.  Also, Wednesday is interest rate differential day and usually moves markets nicely but not euro this time. 

A lot of it has to do with the market having to recalibrate after the shock in the Yen.  Yen trading has come back to life and the market is struggling to recalibrate because as we know the markets are based on correlations with each other.  So, there is confusion in the markets right now.  The things that traders normally rely on to make their decisions is skewed right now and volume is very low as a result.  No volume no sustained moves.  In other words, the operators are in full control right now and are having their way.  They have to make the markets appear if they are moving if they are to draw in new money and because of what I said above they are hard pressed to draw in new money right now because many traders are feeling like you and I.

I'm seeing that most moves are against the flow of volume which cannot last.  Really the only currency that has real life is the yen.  That's due to the pent up energy from that currency being a dead cat for about a week and now the lid is off.

Patience is the key for sure.  The true large players are waiting for Friday's u.s. employment data which should be the real market mover for the week.  Often the week this report comes out markets range between support and resistance without committing to a true direction.



Monday, March 28, 2011


Twitter Transcripts.  +21 pips
Jerry Stewart
Counter trend moves + talking heads means you gotta know when to take a chill pill.
Jerry Stewart
news calendar. nothing but talking heads of each Fed district trying to talk their currency in the direction they wish after 11:00 am est.
Jerry Stewart
The major pairs are in counter trend patterns. Counter trend trades are risky. patience is required
Jerry Stewart
many times out stops and targets levels are for show. It's like poker. We don't want to show our hand.
Jerry Stewart
usdchf closed at .9159 +21 pips.
Jerry Stewart
usdchf close trade at market we're at 1 hr footstep support
Jerry Stewart
usdchf trade based on 1hr bear reversal bar & breakdown of swing low + trend line breakdown. all 1hr levels.
Jerry Stewart
usdchf sell short limit @.9180 stop @.9240 tp@ .9120 ( limit order )

Sunday, March 27, 2011


 Last week was my first week calling trades through Twitter and so far it seems to be the tool I've been looking for to give you the type of trade alerts that is adaptable enough to display my true trading style.  Not completely mind you but close enough.  Below are the transcripts from last week.  I will get better with the format as I go forward.


NOTE: The actual results are a little skewed because of 2 mistakes I made.  The first is the type that will happen from time to time because there will be times when I get the trade alert out to subscribers ( first priority ) in a fast moving market.  Sometimes I may have a lot going and forget to execute the trade in the display trading account.  The account is more for record keeping and the alerts are to put money in your pocket so, that is the priority.

The trade below we got out at break even however, in the account I brain farted and did not realize I didn't close the trade until I got stopped out. A $381.00 mistake on my end but subscribers did not suffer.

152895332011.03.21 14:38sell1.00audusd1.003991.007800.998002011.03.22 07:231.007800.000.00-14.30-381.00

Jerry Stewart
audusd - close trade at 1.0038 break even. It's getting close to 2 pm est. my quitting time.
Now for my second mistake.  American traders should be famaliar with the FIFO rule that U.S. regulators hit us with last fall. That stands for "First in first out".  For traders like me ( many of my most profitable trades are scaled into additional positions as price moves against me instead of giving op's those sweet juicy stops to hunt.  I rountinely make them pay for stop hunts by scaling in until price turns around and I profit double or even triple sometimes.
Well, with the first in first out rule, lets say trade 1 is short at 1.500, trade 2 short at 1600, trade 3 short at 1.700.   Now, when price fades back to 1600 I have a 100 pip profit on entry 3 right.  The problem is that trade 1 is still not profitable but, under the rule I have to close out trade 1 first, trade 2 second, and trade 3 third.  In other words, we are forced to exit in the same order we entered with U.S. brokers.  
What ends up happening is that I will be profitable on trades 2 and 3 but, in order to take profits I have to also close out trade 1.  Trade 1 may show a large loss but profits on trades 2 and 3 more than make up for it.
But most times I don't want to close out trade 1 but I have to so as to try and keep the account in balance with the trade alerts because not all of my subscribers are U.S. Traders.  So, I end up alerting you to close positions 2 and or 3 but I have to close out all 3 positions and then take a new position so that I also have 1 position remaining along with my subscribers.
So, I will end up showing a large loss of $800.00 or larger on trade 1 but I only exited the trade for record keeping purposes.  So, when you see the statement the percentages of wins and losses are skewed.  The percentage of wins would look better on the statement if not for FIFO.  Stop trippin!!!
I know what you're thinking but, I don't need to make any excuses for the trading results of $3,700.00 profit in 2 weeks!!!
I've only used this broker for 2 weeks and I really like them except for the FIFO.  Most brokers have adjusted their platforms so you don't have to worry about it and can trade as usual.  So, if you have a FIFO broker you are trading with a handicap.
I know they said this rule was to help the retail trader.  Shoot...WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW LEGISLATION THAT WAS REALLY INTENDED TO HELP THE LITTLE GUY?
I will find a new broker in a couple of weeks I just wanted you to be duly notified that even without the statement showing the full effect of LCM.  What it does show is still pretty damn good... 
Cheers, Jerry


tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
A valid gap will occur outside of swing support or resistance
11 minutes ago Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
I know the opening gaps look good to some people. Consider that down gaps are filled 70% of the time.
12 minutes ago Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
See tweet from Friday 4:40pm and look at the eurusd. You have adversaries in your trading. Study them cause they spend millions studying you
39 minutes ago Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
We ended the week profitable and that's what really matters most. I will post the stats tomorrow
25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
eurusd..should retrace back up to around 1.4120 before continuing down. If so I may hit'em with another short scale in
25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
the usual end of Friday move to trap the shorts over the weekend to gain their extra swap income off retailers. a pound of flesh I call it
25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
Yesterday's moves were false moves designed to shake out retailers. I know how to spot false moves and therefore, not panick
25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
1.4053 is yesterdays low and currently serving as intraday support
25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
or you can move tp up from 1.4035 to 1.4053
25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
If that bothers you close out all eurusd
25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
oh I'm ahead of myself. We still have a 1/2 position in the eurusd from 1.4065. We may not hit the target of 1.4035 till Sunday/Monday
25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
Trade without stops when possible to take away their target
25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
yes, I know...yesterday you thought oh my god I'm in the hole. FEAR IS THE MIND KILLER!!! TAKE SMALL POSITIONS SIZES TO DEFEAT MANIPULATION
25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
okay.. the deck should be clear.. No open positions...
25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
usdcad close remaining scaled in position .09823
25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
usdcad 2 positions open from scale in. Close 1 position @.9805
25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
we are at 1hr support so take that 1/2 now if you didn't yet...
25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
Im out
25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
When we scale in it's not the individual trade that's important it's the cumulative position. if you close right now at 1.4070 you're fine
25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
eurusd...close 1/2 of open position @1.4065 ( break even ) the scale in from 1.4160 gives us a profitable scale in. close 2nd 1/2 at 1.4035
25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
tp on eurusd short scale in @1.4126
25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
eurusd scale in 2nd position short below 1.4160
25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
euraud close trade at market
25 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
Close gbpjpy @ market
24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
eurusd remove stop for possible scale in at daily bear pivot range. current move is a bear pivot pullback
24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
eurusd raise stop to 1.4160
24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
eurusd move stop to 1.4128
24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
gbpjpy sell short 130.97 Stop above 131.78 tp 130.20
24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
euraud sell short @1.3882 stop above 1.3945 tp 1.3835
24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
eurusd stop 1.4097 tp 1.4035
24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
sell short eurusd @1.4065
24 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
I won't know until the close of this 4hr bar at 3:00 pm est ( 8:00pm GMT )if I'm right about the stop hunt attempt...
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
emotion says bail out or usdcad. My system says logic of support/resistance. I say it's chess, not checkers...
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
Trading is about more than numbers. It's about emotion. Emotion said, jump back in that eurand. But experience said check your emotions
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
usdcad up trend unbroken. Op's buying at support where they usually buy. we had volume lower than the last 5 bars but the biggest move
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
I'm still pissed of for not just closing a 1/2 position on the euraud trade. see how greedy we get. I made a profit and still got issues
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
by scaling in my break even is @ .9817. Combat allows for no fear. Once you're in a position of fear they own you...
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
fear is the mind killer and position sizes too large cause fear. I might scale another one in on'em if I think they are trying to fade me
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
PROGRAM TRADING...WITH BEAST COMPUTERS..but you can't deal with a beast you can't comprehend exists. small position sizes allow you to play
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
immediately after I took off my stops the swift down move turned slow. No they're not watching me.. That's what computers are for.
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
If they wanna get me they have to prove they are for real by breaking the trend.
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
op's froze eurusd and Gbpusd to keep the coralation from pushing usdcad up till they could squeeze the short stops in usdcad
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
usd is strong everywhere but the cad. I smell some stink in the air. game on let's play. relative to my account size of course
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
usdcad just took off the stop. smells like stop hunt. this pair has been moving opposite euraud all day. until now. I'll play. you stay
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
usdcad. looking like they got my number on this one
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
usdcad. we have 4hr footstep support at .9792. I have my 2nd position and moving stop to 1.9780.for wiggle room
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
I'm gonna pick up another position at .9803. Don't follow me on this just watch. see how the op's play it.
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
dont like the looks of the usdcad 1hr chart but I entered based on the 4hr reversal bar and we are in the process of a normal pullback test
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
euraud. Appears I got out too early hugh? should have taken off 1/2 position. hindsight is 20/20. but safe saves me most times
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
euraud. I'm out at 1.3977. I may reenter short at 1.3998 if we pull back to that level during next hr
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
euraud. close trade now at market. we will finish the hr with lower volume
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
euraud sell short 1.3987 stop 1.4055 tp 1.3955
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
sell short euraud 1.3987
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
correction eurusd stop .9789
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
usdcad. if we get the pullback I may scale into a second position. stop below the low of the day below .9889
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
usdcad 4hr reversal bar close. market can pullback to test .9812. close trade now if you don't want to risk the pullback ( reaction test )
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
usdcad. last 1hr bar with bullish breakout of high on bull volume per B v S volume indicator.. target is last 4hr swing high resistance
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
euraud the last bar also close above 50% of the range of the 1hr bar that just closed
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
euraud showed strength 1hr close higher than prior bar despite higher volume. is sign of short term strength. we exit and look to reenter
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
euraud correction. trade closed at 1.39992
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
euraud trade closed @1.9992
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
close euraud trade @ market
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
I'm now long usdcad @.9831 tp 0.9858 we broke above the day hi so we get out of shorts and go with the flow will adise on stop
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
usdcad...stop reverse at market close short and open long
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
sell short euraud below 1.4012 stop above 1.4080 tp 1.3855
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
sell short usdcad below .9804 stop above .9840 tp .9755
23 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
Doctor's appointment this morning. I will try to get back with you this afternoon est time. See new blog post
22 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Seesmic Announce
seesmic Seesmic Announce
Join us in Paris for Social Media Management Day in Paris April 6th #SMMD
21 Mar Favorite Retweet Reply
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
New blog post
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
Days like today are trying to squeeze something out of nothing. So, we close the day down -12 pips. Nothing from nothing leaves nothing
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
Today the markets drifted up to the highs. not propelled by force. of buying and selling. After the Asian session just consolodations
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
audusd - close trade at 1.0038 break even. It's getting close to 2 pm est. my quitting time.
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
by the way I've been using fibonacci from the 4hr upswing not the 1 hr upswing...
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
take the trade bellow 1.0038. stop above 1.0077 tp @ 1.0020
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
we have a new unplugged short signal on audusd at 1.0038. But it's late in the day. I don't like to trade this late but first day twitters
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
audusd- up bar the market is setup to go down. down bar the market is setup to go up. last hr was up bar. break below lo is short signal
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
audusd- op's could not get retailers to join in the buying. op's are not trying to move it up right now. just prevent profit taking shorts.
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
audusd - when we see price rushing against our tp we want to panick and exit the trade on emotion. This is how they work us
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
audusd- see on your 5 min how the market rushes back up each time we get within 5 pips of 23% fib. dead give away many tp stops there
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
Last 2 1hr bars did not close below low of prior bar. 2 strong bars in a row supported by operators. All buying of our B v S indicator
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
audusd. okay. 3rd bar down counter trend means exit at close of this hr. close all at 23% fib 1.0028 or at close of hr. whichever first.
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
by the way, the .9990 scaleout is at 50% fib retracement
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
The wise thing for you to do is get out at break even. But I'm only risking 35 pips here so I will play for a while to get some reactions
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
I'm trying to force a couple of trades today so we can get started with this new twitter alert. So far so good...
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
This intervention stuff has everyone jumpy. The big commercials don't want to take positions. Market uncertainty means stand aside..
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
audUsd The market is behaving weird so I'm leaving the trade on to make a new day high to force me out...still no selling to speak of yet
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
Textbook Lcm we should have closed the AudUsd trade close of the last 1hr bar because we're in on weakness and the bar finished strength
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
audusd - Professionals buying the last part of last hr. Attempt to trap the shorts who want to get out at 23% fib. Let's see...
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
audusd- 1.0028 is 23% fib pullback. Close 1/3rd position at 1.0028. close 1/3rd position @ 38% fib 1.0002 close final position @ .9990
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
okay lets try audusd - sell short below 1.0045 stop above 1.0077 target .9980. unplugged entry
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
the 3am bar (1hr ) gave a short unplugged signal. But market is strange today. I'm hesitant to call trades till I see what's up.
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
The usdcad exit should have been a stop reverse. But I didnt want to call it because of what I explained in the blog.
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
see blog post
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
The markets are drifting. The moves have no force or volume behind them. Right now there's intervention and when I'm not sure I dont go
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete

Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
No real volume in the market yet. We need a market moving event. Some news or breakout of major sup/res to get new money coming in
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
usdcad- stopped out -12 pips
21 Mar Favorite Reply Delete
Jerry Stewart
tradingmajic Jerry Stewart
usdcad- buy above 09810 stop .9798 target .9825 Small risk scalp trade to start the day. based on 15 min cycle trade with unplugged