Tuesday, February 3, 2009

GBP/USD 2-3-2009 06:00 GMT

Red below green downfall foreseen. Oh my goodness, what does he mean? Well, footsteps are falling a short trade is calling. Enter on reaction, take positions in fractions. Place stop beyond the balance of supply and demand, and stop hunts you'll withstand. Take profit at support so you don't get caught short.
I've made you money with each trade call, loose faith and you will drop the ball. So, don't complain and don't scream. Today you get a call with no sugar and no cream.
It would be so easy for me to just tell you but, it's not the question but the answer that compels you.
Cheers, Jerry

Monday, February 2, 2009

gbp/usd daily 2-2-2009 03:00 gmt

My LCM-ERS should recognize this bear pivot reversal on the daily chart. The green line is your daily pivot point. Uh...yeah, some of you think you know pivots and actually think you are trading pivots. This would be laughable if it were not so tragic. Why, tragic?
Because, if you've been following my material for any length of time it is obvious that whenever I identify a pivot it is nowhere near those mathematical pivot points you find in your black box software kits.
Which goes back to my offensive video, you can't see because you know too much. If you can't see that I'm not talking about floor pivots that means you're not even looking because you think you know. You will never see until you change your belief system to truth seeking, instead of knowledge seeking.
For every truth there is a higher truth. There are 4 states of matter, is it not? Liquid, vapor, gaseous, and solid (or what seems solid). water heats and turns to vapor that rises to form clouds, which then freezes to ice, that gets too heavy and falls to earth as rain or snow to repeat the cycle.
Each one of these states of matter has different aspects and behave differently, and yet, they are all water. Liquid flows, vapor rises, clouds float, and solids fall.
If You say that water flows, and someone else says that water rises, wouldn't they both be correct. If I say that water floats wouldn't I be right.
So, you tell me, If you are an expert in hydrodynamics, does that mean you know water. I say, you know liquids. Unless you know all the aspects of water you do not know water.
Well then, if someone tells you to look for water, and you are only looking for liquid, you will not see vapor, or gas, as water even though you me see it and even be engulfed in one of those. Not that you cannot see but because you refuse to look because, of course, you already know.
You know because your government or your school system, or your family system, or your social system. But of course all of these taught us all about water so we don't need to keep learning about water. It's wet and it makes flowers grow, and we have to drink it to survive.
Ah yes, now I'm prepared to debate anyone about water. Hmmmm.....
But wait, all those systems of learning or should I say indoctrination/programing, never could explain to me how clouds could float? If these systems taught me that clouds are composed of water, ice, and dirt, how can they float? See, each one of these elements individually are heavier than air and combined are much heavier than air. So, why do they float?
More importantly, why haven't you been taught why clouds float. Free your mind Neo and your ass will follow. Ass follows mind.
Everything I just explained to you about water applies to markets. You think the forex market behaves differently than the stock or futures market, etc...
Water is water and a market is a market. Water behaves the same whether it is inside of you or outside of you. Liquid follows the same processes of motion wherever you find it.
You think I'm trying to teach you something don't you. You're so vain, I bet you think this song is about you don't you, don't you...
Be at ease, in the words of the great Socrates, "Due to the egos of men, a man must be taught as though you taught him not, and things not known presented as things forgot." How profound...
The etymology of the word educate is derived from the Latin root which means, "to draw out." Not to pour in. In other words, you already know instinctively everything I talk about. I am trying to help you remember. And when you remember, all becomes self evident.
All righty then. Now it's time to add a little sweetener to the the medicine so it will go down easier.
Daily analysis: For trading the daily support/resistance levels.
You're looking for a short signal below the pivot point (green line). Thus, look for your intraday signal below the pivot point.
Place your target at the next footstep. Per footsteps videos. You know, the top of the closet down bar below current price.
Place your stops above the high of the closest green bar.
Now, I have given you the trade for all time frames but most of you won't see it because you are going to be looking for the liquid in this analysis instead of the water.
so, today I have purposely made the call so that you will be compelled to draw out what you already know.
Then, lets think today so that we may feast tomorrow.
Cheers, and one love.

GBP/USD 2-2-09 15:30 GMT


Cheers, Jerry